It has the capability to perform very advanced studies in Neurology, offering great information to neurosurgeons.

Our Breast Antenna obtains faster and higher quality images, also offering the specialized study of breast perfusion.

We offer the latest in oncology studies, obtaining full body studies in just 20 minutes, managing to detect lesions as small as 2 Milimeters.

We have the capacity to perform Cardio morphological, Anglo MRI, Cardio Morphological and Perfusion studies.

Thanks to one of our many MRI features “ambient experience” we were able to process pediatric studies in less than 10 minutes, thus elimination in most cases the need of an anesthesiologist.

Our MRI equipment has the capability of obtaining an accurate diagnosis of illnesses or pathologies that affects the vascular system.

Traumatology and Orthopedics
Our MRI equipment has the capability of obtaining an accurate diagnosis of illnesses or pathologies that affects the vascular system.

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a diagnostic technique that provides a biochemical, metabolic and functional serial assessment in nervous system diseases which complement conventional studies.
Scantibodies Imaging and Therapy
Calle Los Viñedos #4000-E
Parque Industrial El Bajío,
Tecate, B.C. México C.P. 21430
1 (888) 529 9016